1905 Marshall Bowen
Marshall/Bowen’s Men’s Clothing- 1905
149 East Third Street
On April 14, 1898, Joseph S. and David S. Marshall, pioneer merchants, opened a men’s furnishings store at the southeast corner of Third Street and Almont Avenue. The Marshall Clothing Company operated as such until March 9, 1914, when G. M. “Mate” Bowen purchased the Marshalls’ interest and changed the name to Bowen’s Clothing Store. The business earlier had moved into this location, a new building, in 1905. This site was formerly a wooden structure occupied by the Stock & Bolton Harness Shop.

1949 Marshall Bowen
In May of 1944, Mr. Bowen, after 46 years in the clothing business, sold his store to Carlton and Gerry VanWagoner. Mr. Bowen continued to work in the store. Mr. VanWagoner retained the name of Bowen’s Clothing Store. Carlton VanWagoner followed in Mr. Bowen’s footsteps as both men were active in Rotary, the Congregational Church, Boy Scouts, and many community organizations and projects.
The building was modernized in 1949 by Mr. VanWagoner and saw a face-lift of the storefront that consisted of baked enamel on steel.
In 1971, Carlton VanWagoner retired and sold the business to Jack and Angie Riley. It was then known as Riley’s Men’s Wear and another face lift was made consisting of a barn wood facade. Riley’s closed in 1982 and various businesses since that time have occupied the building.
Marshall/Bowen’s Men’s Clothing
149 East Third Street