The Imlay City Farmers Market is Farm Fresh and Locally Grown!

Our local farmers market operates in Downtown Imlay City on the corner of Third and Main Streets, across the street from the post office or in the old DPW garage if available.

In 2024, we are scheduling a regular weekly market day:

  • THURSDAYS, 9 AM - 4 PM.  Our market season will begin on May 22,  and run through October 9, 2025.

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Food Trucks Wanted!

We love having Michigan food trucks join us at all of our Downtown Imlay City Events.

If you are interested in setting up with us, please contact our Market Manager Christiana Bishop ( or the DDA Executive Director Christine Malzahn ( for more information on upcoming events (Farmers Markets, Concerts, Community Events, etc).

There is a Peddlers Permit required by the City of Imlay City


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Thank you for making our Summer Concerts Series a success. Check back when the weather warms up for our new schedule

Interested in Being a Vendor?

If you are interested in being a vendor on our Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM market day, please read the Imlay City Farmers Market Rules Regulations and submit your Regular Season Application 2025 Imlay City Farmers Market

For more information or questions regarding the Imlay City Farmers Market, contact our Market Manager at or the DDA Executive Director Christine Malzahn! Call Imlay City Hall at (810) 724 -2135 ext 1307 or email