America's Best Communities
Imlay City, Imlay and Attica Townships are celebrating their victory in the first round of the America’s Best Communities competition, a $10 million initiative to stimulate economic revitalization in small towns and cities.
Frontier Communications, DISH Network, The Weather Channel and CoBank — the contest’s sponsors — recently announced Imlay City, Imlay and Attica Townships, as a collaborative effort, have advanced into the quarterfinals of this innovative competition, following selection from a pool of about 140 applicant teams by an independent group of expert judges. The team will now be awarded $50,000 to develop a comprehensive strategy to accelerate the revival of the local economy and improve quality of life.
The team will continue to meet and discuss the next steps in regards to the contest and the grant money already awarded. We will keep you posted on the progress but in the meantime, please share in our excitement!

Rotary Park Renovation

WE DID IT!!!!!
The Imlay City Rotary Club and the Downtown Development Authority want to thank the community for their support with the Rotary Park renovation campaign.
$9966 was raised through pledges from local businesses and community members. Because we reached (surpassed!) our goal of $9,200, the MEDC has matched our raise with another $9,200.
The Lapeer County Community Foundation, Four County Community Foundation, Imlay City Rotary, DDA and Chamber of Commerce have also committed funds to the project. Our total funds for the park's renovation total $31,744.
Renovation will begin later this spring and the new park will be completed by the end of June.
Again, thank you!
Come Play With Us!
Success in Imlay City
The Imlay City SEED group is in its fourth year and we are proud of our accomplishments:
*Conducted two Town Hall Meetings
*Conducted many Entrepreneur Meet Ups
*Conducted one Open Forum with City officials
*Seed Group members have attended three CEC(Creating Entrepreneurial Communities) conferences
*Established an easy to use reference and information page for entrepreneurs on the DDA website
*Established a partnership with the Ruth Hughes Library and its Business Resource Center
*Established a partnership with MI-SBTDC and ThumbWorks!
*Sponsored "Fundamentals of Writing a Business Plan" class
*Sponsored QuickBooks class
*Conducted Downtown Analysis
*Identified Partners and Resources
*Industrial Park certification
*Buy Local Campaign
*Redevelopment Liquor Licenses
*Assisted in the retention of 2 major employers which invested millions of dollars and added over 500 jobs
*Assisted numerous Entrepreneurs with startinga business
*Attracted millions of dollars in new investments
DDA Projects

The DDA is responsible for the landscaping and aesthetics of the downtown. Enjoy your walk and drive through downtown!