Buy Local Campaign

The Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce and the Imlay City Downtown Development Authority are proud to be working together to produce and implement a “Buy Local” campaign which recently included the "My Heart's in Imlay City" promotion. Several downtown businesses participated in handing out hearts and stickers to help promote buying local as well as displaying hearts on their windows to show support from their customers.
“The Chamber and the DDA want the community to realize how important it is to support our local businesses especially as the holiday shopping season begins,” Dana Walker, Director of the Downtown Development Authority, says. “I think if people really looked at our local businesses they would be pleasantly surprised at the number of services and products offered.”
For more information regarding the “Buy Local” campaign and other Chamber and DDA programs, please contact the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce at 810-724-1361 or the DDA at 810-724-2135.
Why Buy Local?
- For every $1 spent at a local business, 68 cents is reinvested locally where as big chain purchases keep 15-43 centsin local community and on-line purchases keep 0 in the community.
- Local shops invest more in communities.
- Shopping locally saves time and money.
- Shopping locally retains area’s uniqueness.
- Local shops value their customers.
- Shopping locally creates jobs. Small, locally owned businesses are the largest employers in the United States.
- Local businesses frequently purchase from other local businesses. Purchasing local goods and services helps grow area businesses as well as the area's tax base.
- Local business owners donate more to local charities than non-local owners.
- Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the city's future.
- Local businesses often hire people with more specific product or service expertise.
Take an Active Role
Whether you are a consumer or a business owner, there are many ways you can actively help the Imlay City region's economy. Participate or volunteer in one of the many activities sponsored by the Imlay City DDA or the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce and support the over 150 DDA businesses and over 150 Chamber members. Get to know your business neighbors, purchase goods and services through them and direct potential customers their way.

Buy Michigan Now

the 3/50 project
The 3/50 Projects asks you to think about which three independently owned businesses you would miss most if they were gone. Once you have your list, stop in to the businesses and say "Hello", make a purchase (any dollar amount will due) and show the business your support. The Project doesn't ask you to avoid chain or "big box" stores but to simply shift $50 of your monthly budget to independently owned businesses.

Pure Michigan
Visit the Faceboook fan page of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Pure Michigan, which provides a place to connect and get the inside scoop on upcoming events and special deals in our great state.