The Imlay City DDA Board

Current Board of Directors

Upcoming Meetings

Walter Bargen, ChoiceOne Bank - Chair  |
Neil Docherty, Belle Valley Plaza - Vice Chair  |
Kim Jorgensen, Tri-City Times - Secretary  |
Stu Davis, Resident - Treasurer  |
Justin Shattuck, Happy Little Quilt Shop - Member  |
Steve Robbins, State Farm Agency - Member  |
Jessica Montoya, El Ranchito - Member  |

John Genord, JGs Used Book Store  |
Joi Kempf, Property Owner - Member  |

Barbara L. Yockey, Mayor  |

Board Information

The DDA is governed by a board of directors consisting of 10 members. The Board members represent businesses, property owners, and residents of the community.  The board is appointed by the mayor for staggered four year terms.  Please contact the DDA Executive Director for more information at 810-724-2135.

The Imlay City Downtown Development Authority Board, with the guidance of the Imlay City Commission, directs the Imlay City Downtown Development Authority and its activities.

The Board employs a director, who serves as the administrative officer of the authority. The Director serves at the discretion of the Imlay City DDA Board.

Board Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:35 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers located at 150 N. Main Street, Imlay City, MI. Meetings are open to the public and participation and input from such is strongly encouraged.

DDA Executive Director Christine Malzahn:  810-724-2135